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FLOSS (in Wikipedia)

1. Overview

2. History

3. Usage

4. Production

5. Issues and incidents

6. As part/driver of a new socio-economic model

FLOSS (in Wikipedia) 1. Overview 1.1. Free software (with example of note) 1.2. Open source 2. History External link: Example of link Example of link 3. Usage 3.1. FOSS benefits over proprietary software 3.2. Drawbacks compared to proprietary software 3.3. Adoption by governments 3.4. Adoption by supranational unions and international organizations 4. Production 5. Issues and incidents 5.1. GPLv3 controversy 5.2. Skewed prioritization, ineffectiveness and egoism of developers 5.3. Commercial ownership of open-source software 5.4. Legal cases 6. As part/driver of a new socio-economic model