Investigación sobre el Fediverso (Research about the Fediverse)

Here you can find a table with 60 academic documents about the fediverse. This table should be understood as complementary material to this academic paper: "Analysis of the research about the Fediverse: Mastodon, Lemmy, Pleroma and other fediverse platforms". It was published in the journal Infonomy and its doi is: You can find below the recommended reference in case you need it. I finished writing the manuscript on January 17, 2024. I did run the queries for the documents retrieval on January 10, so this table only includes documents up to that date. I have added a second table where I will add new research when finding it (this is not part of the work in Infonomy). Please, if you have any questions or questions about the subject matter and document typology assigned to the documents, you can contact me at pedrolr[at]ucm[dot]es. The academic work also includes complementary materials from this project in this project in Open Science Framework.

In case you don't use javascript or if it is useful, you can download the table with the 60 documents in CSV from this link. Also, you can download the references as a RIS file.

Appendix: new research about the Fediverse

I will add in a new table new research about the Fediverse published from now on (these documents are not included in the paper published in Infonomy).

In case you don't use javascript or if it is useful, you can download the table with the new documents in CSV from this link. Also, you can download the references as a RIS file.

Recommended reference:

Lázaro-Rodríguez, Pedro (2024). Análisis de la investigación sobre el Fediverso: Mastodon, Lemmy, Pleroma y otras de sus plataformas [Analysis of the research about the Fediverse: Mastodon, Lemmy, Pleroma and other fediverse platforms]. Infonomy, v. 2, n. 2, e24017.